Sunday, February 24, 2013

Things That Bug Me

Everyone has things that just bug them!  Sometimes I come across situations, read something, or hear something that just sets me off!  I'm not a person that rants or raves or screams and shouts about things that upset me...  I just think and think and think about them.  I'm old enough to know that just because I voice my objections about something it is not going to change someone's mind about it or make a situation any different.  That is the main reason I don't make a big scene about things but, it doesn't stop me from over-analyzing it in my mind. lol

Here are some things that drive me nuts:

  1. Racist or sexist remarks
  2. Commercials that use sex to sell things
  3. People who act like they are better than others
  4. People/businesses/organizations that make promises to get what they want and then don't follow through
  5. Unkind Christians
  6. People who spit
  7. People who criticize my children/husband/family  (I'm the only one allowed to do this!)
  8. Drunks
  9. Parents who put boyfriends or girlfriends ahead of their children
  10. Mean people
Whew!  Glad to get that off my chest!  lol  Maybe this blogging thing will be good for getting out the things that bother me without bothering anyone with it and driving them nuts!


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